1 How to use our extension

Word Cloud Creator

Welcome to Word Cloud Creator

Thank you for installing and using our extension


Install and open.

  • After installing the extension. You click on the icon and can begin creating a word cloud.

Word clouds are a great tool for summarizing and visualizing data. They can be used to explore trends or patterns in an organization's data. Here are some of the benefits of using word clouds:

  1. Word clouds allow you to see the most popular words and phrases used in your dataset. If you're looking for specific keywords, this is especially helpful.

  2. Word clouds give you an idea of how people feel about certain topics or ideas, by showing which words are used more frequently than others in a given set of data.

  3. Word clouds can help you identify new ideas and perspectives that might not have occurred to you before you started exploring the data this way.

For desktop software which can make word clouds, try the software below.

Wordle is a free online tool to create word clouds from text that you provide. It can be used for any purpose and for any language. The Wordle interface is very simple: just paste your text or upload it from your computer, choose the colors and fonts, and click 'Generate'.


  1. Install the Extension
  2. After installing the extension, click on the icon on the toolbar.

Create your word cloud easily. You can write your favorite words, or open a file (txt, docx) from your Google Drive or your computer. We will help you create beautiful word cloud. You can then save the image in SVG format